Revenue Tax Stamps

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RS106a Helmbold's Genuine Preparations
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RS108a Hembold's Genuine Preparation
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RS109a Helmbold's Genuine Preparations
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RS109b Helmbold's Genuine Preparations
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RS114b John F Henry Medicine Warehouse
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RS114d John F Henry Medicine Warehouse
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RS115b John F Henry Medicine Warehouse
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RS116b John F Henry Medicine Warehouse
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RS116d John F Henry Medicine Warehouse
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RS117b Herrick's Sugar Coated Pills
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RS118a Herrick's Pills & Plasters
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RS118b Herrick's Pills & Plasters
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RS124a Holloway's Pill and Ointment
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RS126d Holman Liver Pad Co.
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RS127d Holman Liver Pad Co.
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RS137b SD Howe Arabian Mik Cure for Consumption
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RS138d CE Hull & Co.
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RS140b TJ Husband Calcined Magnesia
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RS147a Dr D Jayne & Son
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RS147b Dr D Jayne & Son
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RS148d Dr D Jayne & Son
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RS149b and RS149d Dr D Jayne & Son
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RS150b IS Johnson & Co
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RS151b Johnston Holloway Medicines
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RS151d Johnston Holloway Medicines
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RS152b Johnston Holloway & Co
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RS155b Dr. Kennedy's Family Medicines
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RS156b Dr. Kennedy's Medical Discovery
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RS158d Dr Jas C Kerr
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RS162a Lee & Osgood
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RS162b Lee & Osgood
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RS164b Alvah Littlefield
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RS166d Prof. Low's Standard Preparation
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RS168b Lyon Manufg Co
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RS170b Dr JH McLean
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RS174b Mansfield & Higbee
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RS179b Merchant's Gargling Oil
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RS184d Dr CC Moore Sure Cure
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RS187d NY Pharmacal Lactopeptine
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RS190b RV Pierce Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy
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RS190d RV Pierce Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy
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RS193b Radway & Co
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RS194a D Ransom & Co
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RS196d D Ransom, Son & Co
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RS198d Redding's Russia Salve
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RS201 Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia
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RS202a or d? Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia
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RS208b McMunn's Elixir of Opium
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RS209d McMunn's Elixir of Opium
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RS212a Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup and Sea Weed
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RS212d Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup and Sea Weed
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RS214d JH Schenck & Son
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RS21a Demas Barnes Mexican Mustang Linament
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RS221a AL Scovill
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RS221b AL Scovill
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RS227d JH Zillion Purissima Optima
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RS229d HR Stevens
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RS240d George Tallcot Magic Cure
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RS241b Tarrant & Co
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RS24a Demas Barnes
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RS251d A Vogeler & Co
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RS253b Dr J Walker's Vinegar Bitters
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RS256d HH Warner & Co Safe Remedies
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RS259d Weeks & Potter Collins' Voltaic Plasters
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RS25a Demas Barnes
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RS272d World's Dispensary Medicines
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RS273d World's Dispensary Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy
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RS274d Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
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RS277b JH Zeilin Purissima Optima
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RS277d JH Zeilin & Co Purissima Optima
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RS278p Antikamnia Chemical Co
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RS278p Antikamnia Chemical Co
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RS279p Fernet Branca
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RS279r Fernet Branca
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RS27a TH Barr & Co
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RS280p Emerson Drug Co Bromo Seltzer
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RS280p Emerson Drug Co Bromo Seltzer
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RS281p Emerson Drug Co Bromo Seltzer
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RS281p Emerson Drug Co Bromo Seltzer block
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RS282p Emerson Drug Bromo Seltzer
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RS283p Emerson Drug Bromo Seltzer
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RS284p Chas H Fletcher Castoria
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RS286p Johnson & Johnson
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RS288 Lanman & Kemp
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RS289 Lanman & Kemp
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RS28d Barry's Tricopherous
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RS290-294p J Ellwood Lee, Set of 5
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RS290p J Ellwood Lee Co., unused
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RS291p J Ellwood Lee
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RS291p J Ellwood Lee
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RS291p J Ellwood Lee Co.
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RS292p J Ellwood Lee Co.
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RS293p J Ellwood Lee Co., unused
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RS294p J Ellwood Lee Co., unused
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RS295 Charles Marchand
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RS296 Charles Marchand
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RS297 Charles Marchand
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RS298 Charles Marchand
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RS299 Charles Marchand
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RS302 OD Chem Genuine Sanmetto
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RS303 Piso Co ET Hazeltine
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RS303 Piso Co ET Hazeltine
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RS303 Piso Co ET Hazeltine
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RS304 Radway & Co
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RS305p Warner's Safe Cure Remedies
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RS305r Warner's Safe Cure Remedies
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RS30a DM Bennett
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RS31a WT Blow
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RS40a John I Brown & Son
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RS43d Dr John Bull Worm Destroyer
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RS46a Joseph Burnett & Co
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RS58b RC & CS Clark
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RS60d WH Comstock
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RS65b Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar
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RS68a Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup - Jeremiah Curtis & Son
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RS71d Brown's Vermifuge Comfits - Curtis & Brown Mfg Co
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RS74dh Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor- error
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RS75d (qty 3) Perry Davis & Son
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RS78b & RS78d Perry Davis & Son
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RS81b & RS81d (qty 3) Perry Davis & Son
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RS83a PH Drake & Co (stain)
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RS85d Father Matthew Temperance Remedy
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RS85d Father Matthew Temperance Remedy, tear
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RS86 or RS87? AH Flanders Rush's Medicines Pair
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RS87a AH Flanders MD Rush's Medicines, Pair
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RS87d AH Flanders MD Rush's Medicines
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RS88a Fleming Bros Dr. McLane's Celebrated Vermifuge
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RS94a Hall's Vegetable Sicillian Hair Renewer
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RS95d Hall & Ruckel
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RS96a Hall & Ruckel
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RS97b Dr. Harter & Co Family Medicines
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RS98b Dr. Harter's Family Medicines
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RS98c Dr. Harter's Family Medicines
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RS98d Dr. Harter's Family Medicines
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RS9a JC Ayer & Co
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Adams & Co Express, pair 1L3
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Albany Letter Express
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Allen's City Dispatch 1c
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Allen's City Dispatch 3L1
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Allen's City Dispatch 3L1
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Allen's City Dispatch 3L2, full gum
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American Express Co 4L1 Forgery
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American Letter Mail Co 1974 Facsimiles
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American Letter Mail Co 5L1
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American Letter Mail Co reprint 5L1
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Baltimore Carrier 1LB3, forgery
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Barr's Penny Despatch, fantasies
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Bentley's Despatch 10L? fake?
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Blood's Despatch 15L10 counterfeits
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Blood's Despatch 15L11 counterfeit
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Blood's Dispatch 15LU? unlisted color
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Blood's One Cent Despatch 15L13
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Blood's Penny Post 15L14 on cover
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Blood's Penny Post 15L16
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Blood's Penny Post 15L18
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Blood's Penny Post 1855? unlisted? forgery?
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Bouton's Manhattan Express 17L1, bogus
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Bouton's Manhattan Express, fantasy pair
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Bouton's Manhattan Express, forgery
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Bouton's Rough and Ready City Dispatch 18L1, reprint?
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Bouton's Rough and Ready City Dispatch 18L2, forgery
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Boyd's City Dispatch 20L55, block
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Boyd's City Dispatch 20L56 misperf, block
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Boyd's City Express 20L11
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Boyd's City Express 20L13 block
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Boyd's City Express 20L13 block
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Boyd's City Express 20L15
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Boyd's City Express 20L16
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Boyd's City Express 20L16, block
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Boyd's City Express 20L23
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Boyd's City Express 20L24
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Boyd's City Express 20L24 block, reprints?
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Boyd's Dispatch 20L35
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Boyd's Dispatch 20L37 or 20L40 forgery
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Boyd's Dispatch 20L44
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Boyd's Dispatch 20LU38 reproduction?
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Brady & Co's Penny Post 23L1, forgery
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Brainard & Co 24L1, reprint
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Brainard & Co 24L2, reprint
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Brattleboro Postmaster's Provisional 5x1, reprint
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Bronson & Forbes 27L, pair
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Brooklyn City Express 29L, set of 7
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Browne & Co's City Post 29L2, faults
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Browne's Easton Despatch Post
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Brownes Easton Despatch Post 30L3, forgery?
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C&W Bridge Despatch, set of 5, bogus
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California Penny Post 34LU2
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California Penny Post Co 34L_?
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Carnes Letter Express 35L3, reproductions?
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Cheever & Towle City Letter Delivery 37L1, pair
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City Dispatch Post 40L4, set of 7
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Clark & Co 48L1, set of 7
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Crosby's City Post 54L1
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Crosby's Special Message Post, fantasy
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Cumming's City Post 55L, reprints, set of 6
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Cumming's City Post 55L2, forgery
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Deming's Penny Post 58L1, forgery
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DO Blood & Co City Despatch 15L9
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Douglas' City Dispatch 59L2
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Douglas' City Dispatch 59L3
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